A Java Framework for Reinforcement Learning Experiments
Installing an online version (Unix systems)
- Download piqle-coreVersion2_2.tgz and piqle-examplesVersion2_2.tgz
- Create three directories :
src, doc, classes
- Uncompress piqle-core :
tar -xvzf piqle-coreVersion2_2.tgz
in directory src
- Uncompress piqle-examples in directory
: tar -xvzf piqle-examplesVersion2_2.tgz
- Go to the parent directory :
cd ..
- Choose the program you want to execute :
in the src
- Compile :
javac -d classes -sourcepath src src/TestProgram.java
- Run:
java -cp classes TestProgram
- Download and uncompress the javadoc :
tar -xvzf piqlejavadocVersion2_2.tgz
in directory doc
Using Eclipse (all platforms)
- Create two projects : core and examples
- Import all sources files (from the compressed files) in each project.
- In project
, goto Project>Properties>Java Build Path and add core
in the path.
- Choose the program you want to run ... and run it !